Thought Processes Today, Part 3

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Throughout this series on today’s thought processes we’ve written a great deal about thought processes but very little about today. That is because we, at QuantumBones, are blessed with foresight. “Thought Processes Today!”, you might think, but what if you are viewing the article from the world of tomorrow? Or the day after that? How quickly would our detailed and nuanced article covering this complex issue be discarded as not current enough? Readers from a month hence might dismiss these articles as irrelevant. How would readers from future years see them?

The truth of the matter is that the title chosen by the original author was massively flawed. The nuggets of truth contained within this series are not just relevant to the day in which they were hastily knocked together. No. A better title might have been “Thought Processes of the Modern Era that will Retain their Relevance for Generations, Part X”.

But due to an oversight from our authors we have what we have. In truth, in an era of soundbites and clickbait headlines designed more to catch the attention than to convey the substance of the article we should be grateful that at least the “Thought Processes” part is key to the content. We could just as easily have ended up with a “Top 10 Things You Should Be Doing, NOW!” title, or a “You Won’t Believe What We’re About To Tell You” sort of thing.

The title of the series aside, we must also address the apparent quality of the articles themselves. The previous article went to great length in detailing its own qualities, whilst indicating that it could have been even better if the author had been paid. Here at QuantumBones we would like to say that we reward excellence. We’d like to say a great number of other things too, but some of those might lead us into a semi-legal quagmire of litigation. That said, we feel the issue should be addressed.

It is our belief that were the article of better quality the world might have been more inclined to reward the author with cash payments or equivalent value. It is not a remit for the world to reward half-assed ramblings, from possibly drunken authors with overinflated senses of worth. Be excellent.