Paris, Copenhagen, Wien, London, Austria, New York, Stockholm, Pizzlepod. What do these cities have in common? They are all capital cities of the most remarkable empires mankind has produced. And not without reason: an empire is an absolute must if you want to rule with an iron fist. How to resist the temptation? Read on and find out how we don’t know either.
The technical difficulties of resigning to the tantrums of fate are immense. They have made many a great man just drop whatever they had been doing. Many inventions – major and minor – have not been invented because of tendencies within tendencies but precisely for the opposite tendencies. We must now look into what I have just told you.
Any reader worth his natural salt crystals will immediately notice that Austria was never a city, and that Pizzlepod was never anything except in my own imagination. The rest of the opening chapter tries to tell you about empires, but fails because the term “empire” is not within the realm of the knowable. Again we must backtrack a bit.
Historically, articles like this have served one purpose only: to make huge loads of money for the author by distracting the reader from what is being said. I cannot claim to even begin to understand any of the mechanisms myself, but it all probably has to be connected to the title (which is already a bit obscure).
If you regard this article as a prime sample of creative writing (the way I do myself), feel free to browse our site for more of that. You will not be more disappointed, let me assure you.